Sunday 18 September 2016

What is Nutritional Immunology?

Safeguarding Health with the Immune System

Some people catch colds frequently and recover slowly. Others do not fall sick when surrounded by ill people and they recover quickly form the flu. The difference is in their immune system.

Research has revealed that humans can live meaningfully for at least 120 years, and with appropriate care and wholesome nutrition, living for 150 years is possible. However, the average lifespan is currently only around 70 to 80 years. In 2010, 8 million people died of cancer, and 17 million died of heart disease; the 1918 Spanish flu killed 40 to 50 million; in 2003, SARS took over 1,000 lives. Such alarming statistics should alert us to address the root of the problem, and achieve longevity through prevention.

Nothing comes close to a healthy immune system in defending us from disease-causing agents. So how do we keep the immune system in tip-top condition?
A seemingly healthy outward appearance is no indication of how healthy we really are inside. Diseases have a way of sneaking up on us. Infections could be lurking deep within with the only hints being slight tiredness or a persistent sniffle. Before we know it, we could fall seriously ill but by then, it would be too late for prevention. Therefore, we need to stay vigilant by nourishing our immune system daily with generous servings of the right nutrients.

Ever since antibiotics were discovered, humans have been focusing more on treatment and less on prevention. We have forgotten to take advantage of the amazing preventive and healing powers of the immune system. Nutritional Immunology is a relatively new science that emphasizes prevention over cure. This science focuses on the explicit link between proper nutrition and the health of the immune system.

The Best Doctor – The Immune System

Advancement of medicine lags behind disease development. Treatment can only begin with the appearance of symptoms, and has its limitations. Fortunately, the best doctor, the immune system, is within the body. This doctor is like a sophisticated army, always on alert to protect the body against foreign invaders.

Things we encounter, the air we breathe and the food we eat may appear clean, but are full of pollutants. A small slip-up by the immune system may allow pollutants to trespass via the skin, eyes, nose and mouth, while a fully functioning immune system can easily destroy such invaders.

Influenza causes 200,000 to 500,000 deaths every year. Among those infected, some recovered and some died. The difference is due to the immune system.

A weak immune system makes the body vulnerable to attack by microbes and infectious diseases such as SARS, pneumonia, meningitis, hepatitis, flu and tuberculosis. It can even lead to cancer.

A hyperactive or malfunctioning immune system can result in allergies or autoimmune diseases. An allergic response occurs when the immune system reacts against non-threatening agents such as dust, plant pollen and animal dander.

An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own cells or tissues. Examples of autoimmune disease include rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, diabetes mellitus and psoriasis.

Can medication replace immune system function?

Immune system function involves countless cells, chemicals and organs working closely together. Medications perform only specific functions such as stimulating or suppressing the immune system, and may lead to side effects, unsettling immune system balance and even leading to more diseases.

Immune system balance is the result of a healthy lifestyle:

  • A balanced diet: Eat mainly a variety of plant foods and reduce meat intake.
  • Positive and stable emotions: Stress stimulates the body to secrete corticosteroid, which suppresses immune system function, increasing risk of cancer, flu and other disease.
  • Adequate rest and exercise: Sleep enables the immune system to repair and regenerate. Exercise makes the body perspire, letting it purge toxins, and improves lymph circulation. If regular exercise is not possible, frequent deep breathing can help to encourage lymph circulation.

A healthy lifestyle enables us to live healthier, longer lives.

The True Health with Plant Foods
Nutrition for the immune system comes from plant foods, not animal-derived food.
Plant foods contain plant nutrients such as phytochemicals, antioxidants and polysaccharides that have been proven to prevent and defend against cancer and other diseases.

Phytochemicals can prevent the various stages of cancer formation.

Phytochemicals are unique to plant foods. They can effectively prevent diseases, nourish the immune system, accelerate recovery from diseases and can halt and reverse stages of cancer development.

Every plant has its own unique variety of photochemical, which are nutrients not found in meat. For example, cauliflower contains indoles, sulforaphane and flavonoids. They can lower risk of diseases such as breast and ovarian cancer, and can encourage molecules with cleansing abilities to interact with carcinogens for a detoxifying effect. Soy is another example. It contains isoflavones including genistein, daidzein and glycitein. Isoflavones can lower serum cholesterol levels, reduce risk of coronary heart disease, relieve menopausal symptoms, suppress cancer cell growth and lower risk of osteoporosis.

Antioxidants can slow down aging.

Antioxidants are chemicals that can prevent cell damage by suppressing oxidative effects of free radicals, which are highly unstable molecules. Oxidation alters normal oxygen molecules to become free radicals. They can be produced via smoking, exposure to toxic chemicals, excessive sun exposure and metabolic processes such as digestion.

Free radicals are highly unstable and destructive. They can easily alter proteins, cell membranes, and DNA. Over time, such irreparable damage causes cancer and other degenerative diseases such as cataracts and heart disease.

Grape seed is high in antioxidants, particularly oligomeric proanthocyanidin (OPC). With 20 times more antioxidant activity than vitamin C and 50 times more antioxidant activity that vitamin E, it can protect cells from oxidative DNA damage, and boost health and skin’s youthfulness.

Rose is also rich in antioxidants. Besides 50 times the vitamin C in lemon, it contains niacin, flavonoid, and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, E and K. It aids DNA damage prevention, wound healing, increase of macrophage activity, and improvement of skin tissue and appearance.

Polysaccharides can boost immunity, encourage natural killer cell growth and defend against tumors.

Polysaccharides are long chain of sugars. Research has shown that they can inhibit tumor growth by activating immune cells.

Polysaccharides help to balance the immune system and encourage the production of NK cells, interferons and interleukins, promoting the immune system’s destruction of cancer cells and viruses.

Research has shown that mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides, and different mushrooms have different polysaccharides. ABM mushroom, Yun Zhi mushroom, Shitake mushroom, Maitake mushroom and Reishi mushroom are particularly effective in resisting tumors and viruses. They can speed up recovery from cancer and relieve side effects of chemotherapy.

Eating a variety of mushrooms is more beneficial than eating a single type of mushroom, and consuming a concentrated extract of polysaccharides is more beneficial than consuming dried mushroom powder. In addition, only a suitable amount and combination of polysaccharides will produce optimal results.

Wholesomeness is Best!

Wholesome plant foods are Nature’s miracles. Till today, their abundant nutrients have not been entirely discovered by scientists.

Advantages of Plant Foods Over Animal-derived Food 
Plant foods contain phytochemicals, antioxidants and polysaccharides that can boost immune function. Plants also contain fiber that is lacking in meat, dairy products and other animal-derived food. Fiber is non-caloric and helps to regulate blood sugar, reduce blood cholesterol levels, lower risk of coronary heart disease, aid bowel movement, decrease risk of cancer in the digestive system and aid weight management. Plant foods also contain plant protein that is easily absorbed, does not easily trigger allergies and does not lead to calcium loss.

Compared to animal-derived food, plant foods do not contain animal hormones and are more eco-friendly. In 2009, Worldwatch Institute (WWI) reported that livestock produce 51% of greenhouse gases, with 1.5 billion livestock producing more waste gases than all transport vehicles in the world combined, contributing to the greenhouse effect. Methane, produced by livestock in large amounts, is 72 times as strong as carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas over a period of 20 years. In addition, rearing livestock uses large amounts of resources, taking up around 70% of farmland worldwide. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimated that during 1961-2001, more than 60% of grain was fed to livestock. 2400 gallons of water is needed to produce one pound of meat, while one pound of wheat requires only 25 gallons of water. Hence, replacing animal-derived food with plant foods is not only healthy for the immune system, but also contributes towards saving the environment.

Hidden Dangers of Vitamin Pills 

Many people think that they can make up for imbalanced diets due to busy lifestyles by taking vitamin pills. However, there are risks of vitamin pill overdose. Researchers from Copenhagen University Hospital analyzed data from trials involving 233, 000 participants, and found that beta-carotene, vitamin A and vitamin E intake doubles the risk of hip fracture. A large-scale eight-year study by the Swedish government revealed that beta-carotene pills might increase lung cancer risk in male smokers. Researchers at Keio University in Japan found that vitamin E overdose leads to increased osteoporosis risk. An American Heart Association report of a follow-up study on 132, 000 participants pointed out that excessive vitamin D intake can lead to a rapid heart rate or arrhythmia. Research from Johns Hopkins University has shown that vitamin A overdose increase liver and lung cancer risk, and may lead to fetal deformities and lower bone density.

Wholesome Plant Foods for Perfect Nutrition
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the best way to obtain vitamins is through consuming beneficial, wholesome foods. They also emphasize that vitamin pills cannot replace a well-balanced diet.
Wholesome plant foods contain perfect combinations of nutrients. They are Nature’s greatest gifts, and cannot be replaced with man-made vitamin pills.

Let's watch a short video about how our immune system function:

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