Tuesday 20 December 2016

是世界上最常用的香料之一。 古代人早已使用它來保存食物和治療消化問題。 中國船員使用來緩解暈船,而希臘人則將包裹在麵包中,隨著時間的推移,薑變成了我們今天熟悉的餅。

含有各種氨基酸,維生素和其他營養素,可以緩解偏頭痛,抗潰瘍,滋養呼吸和消化系統。 含有抗氧化維生素A和C.有助於緩解或預防各種疾病,即消化不良,癌症和關節炎。 在一些情況下,被建議用於阻止慢性內出血。

研究表明是抗炎,抗氧化劑,抗病毒劑,抗菌劑和抗真菌的最佳植物。 在中國,報告顯示鮮對風濕病非常有效。 在美國,一項關於247名骨關節炎患者的研究表明,那些每天兩次服用標準化和高度濃縮的提取物的患者比那些給予安慰劑的患者經受更大的膝蓋疼痛減輕。

通過防止腫瘤壞死因子和白介素-1的過度產生來減少炎症,所述腫瘤壞死因子和白細胞介素-1是當細胞組織受損時引起炎症,疼痛和對軟骨的損傷的細胞因子。 還抑制酶的炎症和抗炎前列腺素和白三烯的產生,減少疼痛和腫脹。 的抗炎性也是基於其抗氧化的質量。


Sunday 18 December 2016

How Does Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Improving Me and My Mother’s Life?

Dear friends, 

Today, I am going to share about the quality of life of both mine and my mother's after adopting a new lifestyle, which is Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle.

What is Nutritional Immunology you may ask, it is a PREVENTIVE science that studies the link between plants food and our immune system.

Read more about Nutritional Immunology here —> What is Nutritional Immunology 

A disease does not occur overnight. 

My mother was a stay home mom, taking care of me and my siblings, there are 4 of us. Life was easy back then, until we grew older. I still remember when I graduated from my secondary school, my mother started to work as kitchen helper, at a small Chinese food stall, inside a hawker center it was year 2003.

Her job is to take order from customers, serve the food to the customers, and as well as preparing the ingredients for the chef in the kitchen, like cutting chilies, garlic, onions, and cook rice. The stall is operating 2 sessions, first session from 11am to 3pm and second session from 5pm to 10.30pm. Due to the nature of her job requirement, she has to standing and walking all the time, for approximately 10 hours per day. Over the years, slowly she felt her knee’s health are deteriorating. I started noticed her knee problem when I was persuading my Degree, year 2006. Due to my University is far from my homestate, thus I can only visit my parents every 3 months, which is when there was a semester break. One night, after my mother finished her work and after taking her bathe, I noticed that she took out a bottle of ointment from the shelf and started to rub her knees. It was a very vivid memory to me because the smell of that ointment very similar to one of the famous soft drink. I was mistaken that someone was drinking soft drink at that time. After I questioned about the medication, and I learned that it was her knee giving her so much pain. However, she cannot quit her job because of the increasing of household spending. 

Time flies, on 2008 I already graduated from my Degree, finally I choose to start my career at my hometown. That time, my mother’s knee problem was not improving, despite she rub her knees with the same ointment for years. She then consulted Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and there was no significant improving of her knee health. She then started to consult doctor from polyclinic. The doctor prescribed her calcium tablets, told her that it was calcium deficiency that causing her knee’s problem. 

Year 2012, when I decided to persuade my career advancement at oversea my mother still having knee problem, and that time, her knee’s health was so bad, and she cannot even climb up staircase, because it was too painful for her just to climb up to second level. She was 52 years old that year, not only her knee’s health deteriorated, she also diagnosed with high cholesterol and hypertension. 

Fast forward to year 2014, one day of June, my met my mentor, who shared with me the science of Nutritional Immunology. As a Biology student, I was surprise that how can a non-biology background person like him, able to share what I learnt before when I was studying Pre-U courses. He refreshed my memory about how our body system works, particularly immune system. He also shared to me how to keep our immune system healthy, because based on Nutritional Immunology, 99% of the illness is caused by the malfunctioning of our immune system. I wasn’t so convinced about the products at first, until I made my research on E. Excel and Dr Jau Fei Chen. 

Few weeks later, I decided to have my mother to try the Oxyginberry, which after I consulted my mentor about my mother’s knee health. The reason that Oxyginberry was recommended is because of the 6 precious ingredients Oxyginberry has, which are, Cactus, Cactus Fruit, Ginseng Berry, Rose, Seaweed and Grape Seed. 

Read more about Oxyginberry here —>  Oxyginberry - The power of antioxidants rich Superfoods! 

With these 6 superfood, our body able to stimulate collagen, naturally. Read more about collagen here —> How does collagen affecting our health? 

So, question is, how collagen able to help my mother’s knees? Take a look at the picture below

There is a cartilage between two bones, and its purpose is to hold the bones together and act as a cushion between joints and helps support our weight when we run, bend and stretch. Cartilage is a connective tissue, that highly depends on the quantity of collagen to keep its function. As we grow older, our body will lose its ability to generate collagen, and without sufficient quantity of collagen, cartilage tends to become thiner and thiner across the years, and its symptom starts to appear especially when we are 50 years old and above. With Oxyginbery, my mother’s knee condition will be able to improve. Since then, my mother started to practise NI Lifestyle (Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle), which eventually improving her knees’ health. Slowly, she no longer needed to rub the “soft drink smell” ointment on her both knees as well as the calcium tablets that doctor prescribed. Year 2015, February, me and my family went for a family trip. Unfortunately, the homestay that we booked is located at 3rd floor, and there is no lift to access. Fortunately, my mother’s knees did not stop her from accessing the unit for couple of times throughout our stay. I was so happy that finally I’ve found the solution for my mother’s knee condition after she suffered for so many years! Now, she can walk, stand and climb up staircase without any problem at all.

I got many people asked about the cost of knee replacement surgery, in Malaysia, it is RM25k. (Click here to read more —> http://usahawan-in-me.blogspot.sg/2009/02/kos-bedah-rm25000-di-hospital-kerajaan.html) Keep in mind that this is the cost for year 2009, medical fees are increasing year over the year, and for fully recovery, it will take 1 whole year. I am glad that my mother do not have to go through this, thanks to NI Lifestyle that she practising. To read more about knee replacement surgery, click here —> http://afifzamri.blogspot.sg/2011/02/total-knee-replacement.html

Surprise Benefits After Practising NI Lifestyle 

My mother actually has other medical conditions, which are high cholesterol level, and hypertension. Everyday she take the medicine prescribed by her doctor to control the symptom. Before practising NI Lifestyle, my whole family weren’t eating so healthily. Meats are always more than veggies on the dining table. 

Ever since NI lifestyle were introduced to my family, my mother started to buy brown rice which is low GI food, and since then we no longer buy any white rice. The biggest change that I ever noticed is that the reunion dinner on the Chinese New Year Eve, veggies were more than meats on the dining table in recent years!

My mother’s cholesterol level and hypertension condition, was greatly improved. Previously she needs to take cholesterol pill everyday, now doctor asked her to reduce the dosage to 3 times per week. Her hypertension no longer at critical stage as before. 

Other than my mother who gained lots of health benefits from NI lifestyle, me myself also got my health condition improved! 

I am no longer suffer from nose block for more than one week when I got cold like previously. Now it will gone after 2-3 days. Also my fever will gone after 1 night without taking any medication! And I won’t easily get infected by people around me especially in public transport. Not to mentioned that my wounds healed very fast too! Take a look at the photos below: 

In just 4 days, my wound’s appearance has greatly improved!

I am blessed that I met my mentor 2 years ago, with practising NI lifestyle, me and my family’s health got improved significantly. With this, I wanted to share the science of Nutritional Immunology to as many people as possible. 

If you keen to understand more, please contact me via

Thanks for reading everybody! Cheers and wishing all of you good health and happy always!

“The preservation of health is easier than the cure of the disease”

Tuesday 13 December 2016


現今的市場上能夠找到各種各樣的葡萄。 最流行的品種非無籽葡萄莫屬。 然而,選擇無籽葡萄意味著錯過葡萄種子中非常重要的植物營養素:低聚原花色素(OPCs),這可以幫助維持眼睛的健康。


抑制 DNA 氧化損傷
一項關於葡萄籽提取物和維生素C在減少DNA氧化性損傷的研究。 與葡萄籽提取物孵育的細胞顯示擁有顯著的62%減少的氧化性DNA損傷。 相比之下,維生素C則沒有減少DNA的損傷。 這項研究結果表明了葡萄籽提取物能夠保護細胞免受DNA氧化性損傷,這可能意味著能夠改善體内的健康。

氧化是各種疾病的主要原因之一。 葡萄籽中的OPC可以幫助增強DNA修復自身的能力。 它們有效防禦自由基,保護身體免受氧化損傷,並通過加強血管改善血液循環。 這有助於預防病症和疾病,如過敏,潰瘍,靜脈曲張,白內障,心血管疾病,中風和癌症,以及減緩身體的衰老過程。


在一項對照試驗中,60%從葡萄籽提取物中攝取150mg OPCs的糖尿病患者中,他們的視網膜病變沒有惡化。 相比之下,僅有47%服用安慰劑的患者俱有類似的效果。 葡萄籽中的OPC具有優異的抗氧化能力,能夠防止氧化損傷和白內障的形成。

研究表明,葡萄籽提取物有助於加速傷口癒合,以及減少疤痕。 科學家已經發現,當應用於傷口時,葡萄籽提取物可以幫助身體清除引起疾病的細菌,並產生更多的再生細胞。 隨著血管生長更快,更多的富含營養的血液可以幫助損傷的細胞組織再生,加速傷口癒合。

科學研究表明,葡萄籽中的OPCs具有很高的抗氧化活性,容易被人體吸收。 此外,葡萄籽提取物可減少皮膚對紫外線的損傷,從而防止過早出現皺紋,促進年輕,以及延緩老化跡象。

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Kiwi Fruit Seed

Kiwi fruit seed is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Kiwi fruit seed oil contains about 62% of ALA, a much higher amount than other sources of ALA, such as flaxseeds.

ALA is an important omega-3 essential fatty acid found only in plants. It must be obtained through diet because the human body cannot manufacture it, even though it is necessary for good health. ALA is partially converted in the human body into other omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Heart Health
Love your heart with kiwi fruit seeds. Emerging evidence suggests that diets containing omega-3 fatty acids may protect against heart disease and help prevent sudden cardiac death.

Kiwi fruit seeds contain essential fatty acids necessary for making prostaglandins, which regulate body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood clotting.

Brain Health
The brain is an important part of the nervous system. It is about 60% fat, and ALA is an important part of this fat.

Immune System Health
The essential fatty acids in kiwi fruit seeds are necessary for making prostaglandins, which play a role in immune function by regulating inflammation and encouraging the body to fight infection.

ALA is needed for proper growth in children, particularly for neural development and maturation of sensory systems.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Had a Great Sharing Before 2016 is Over!

Hi Friends,

I just had a great sharing about <How To Safe Guard Your Health in Our Current Modern Lifestyle>, just before 2016 is over!

So happy that I was able to share the knowledge of Nutritional Immunology to so many new friends who came after work despite it was a raining evening.

Nutritional Immunology (NI) is a PREVENTIVE SCIENCE that studies the link between our diet and our immune system, which is the BEST DOCTOR in the world!

Read more about NI here --> What is Nutritional Immunology

Dr Jau Fei Chen is the founder of NI, she been doing cancer research for more than 30 years, click here to listen her explaining NI --> Nutritional Immunology by Dr Jau Fei Chen  

Thank you so much for the crews that made this happen! 

If you want to know more about NI, please don't hesitate to contact Casper Teo at 8218 3033, or can email to casperteo.ct@gmail.com

Please stay tuned for the new sharing session on 2017! Happy holiday everyone!

Wednesday 30 November 2016


Hawthorn is a beautiful shrub. There are more than 900 different species of hawthorn shrubs, which traditionally bloom from April to June. The hawthorn plant is highly beneficial to the heart.

Traditional medicine widely uses the flowers and berries of the hawthorn plant to treat irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, chest pain, hardening of the arteries, and heart failure. Its berries are used to treat insomnia, nervousness, indigestion, and gas. They can also alleviate abdominal distention, kidney problems, and sore throat.

Keeps Cholesterol in Check
Cholesterol occurs naturally in the body as a building block for cell membranes and hormones. However, too much cholesterol in the blood can cause it to stick to the walls of arteries, obstructing blood flow.

The liver regulates cholesterol levels in blood. Hawthorn can increase the rate at which the liver converts low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad, artery-clogging cholesterol) into high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (good, artery-clearing cholesterol).

Protects Against Atherosclerosis
Antioxidant in hawthorn include oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), the strong antioxidants found in grapes. Hawthorn’s antioxidant properties help to protect against cell damage and the formation of plaques due to cholesterol accumulated in blood vessels, otherwise known as atherosclerosis.

Phenolic compounds in hawthorn show an ability to prevent oxidation of LDL and alpha-tocopherol in LDL. These abilities contribute to atherosclerosis prevention.

Maintains Smooth Blood Flow
Hawthorn is rich in flavonoids that help strengthen the structure of collagen in blood vessels, preventing plaque building up in them and improving blood flow. 

Regulates Blood Pressure
Hawthorn can help to decrease blood pressures by dilating blood vessels. It may also reduce production of angiotensin II, a hormone that raises blood pressure by constricting blood vessels.

One study found that hawthorn extract helped type 2 diabetes patients on medication. Participants took 1200 mg of hawthorn extract or placebo daily for 16 weeks. Those who took hawthorn had lower blood pressure than those taking the placebo.

Relieves Heart Conditions
In German clinical studies, patients with stable angina receiving 60 mg of hawthorn three times a day showed increased blood flow to the heart and more efficient use of oxygen by the myocardium

Fights Cancer
Studies show that rutin, a flavonoid in hawthorn, accelerates the death of leukemia and Burkitt lymphoma cells. hawthorn also contains compounds that deactivate plasmin, an enzyme that causes cancerous tumors to spread.

Tuesday 29 November 2016


菊花對於驅散熱氣和抵抗炎症是非常有效的。 菊花的每一部分都是可食用的。

菊花通常用于解熱並用來治療眩暈,膿腫,暈厥,腰痛,風濕病和腸氣。 它的葉子的汁通常應用於傷口以減輕腫脹和疼痛。 這樣的性質使菊花茶成為理想的夏季飲料,並且它是對於長時間使用電腦而易於眼睛疲勞的人而受歡迎。 此外,它通常在飯後飲用,因為它有助於消化。

傳統上,菊花用於緩解輕度發燒和頭痛,並舒緩喉嚨痛。 更重要的是,它具有抗菌和抗病毒的性質,被認為是解毒身體和淨化血液。

它的花據說能夠改善視力,廣泛的用於眼睛相關的問題,如眼睛疼痛和眼睛疲勞。 菊花的花瓣 - 含有類胡蘿蔔素,一種可以被身體轉化為維生素A的抗氧化劑 - 用於治療癤子,頭暈,發燒和結膜炎。

研究顯示菊花對心臟有顯著的保護作用。 菊花中已經發現的類黃酮化合物有助於降低高血壓和擴張血管。 菊花也似乎有助於降低高血膽固醇水平。

菊花的許多健康益處可能是由於其高水平的不同植物營養素與強大的抗炎,抗氧化劑和抗癌作用。 這些包括菊花(花青素-3-葡萄糖苷),金合歡素,木犀草素,綠原酸和二咖啡酰奎寧酸。

Sunday 27 November 2016

Oxyginberry - The power of antioxidants rich Superfoods!

How Oxyginberry benefits you and your family and friends?

1) It consists of 6 superfoods, formulated based on the science of Nutritional Immunology research!

Ginseng Berry

  • Nature's most potent antioxidant
  • 1.4 times more antioxidant than vitamin C
  • improve body function
  • enhance concentration
  • increase blood supply to the brain
  • slow down cell aging
  • improve cell regeneration
  • relieve exhaustion
  • provide calming effect
  • moisturized skins
  • read more here --> Ginseng Berry

  • Rich in phytochemicals - more than 10000 different types, while aloe Vera has 300 over types 
  • prevents DNA damage
  • improves structure & appearance of the skin
  • promotes cell renewal
  • delay skin's aging
  • anti-inflammatory - speeds up would healing & improves the appearance of the scars
  • long term consumption could improve cholesterol levels
  • read more here --> Cactus/Cactus Fruits
Cactus Fruits

  • rich in both antioxidants and phytochemicals
  • stimulate phagocyte activity against bacterial infection
  • improving skin conditions
  • anti-cancer properties
  • rich in beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron
  • prevent hardening of blood vessels - prevent stroke
  • read more here --> Cactus/Cactus Fruits
Grape Seed

  • contains OPC - super power antioxidant, 20 times more powerful than vitamin C, 50 times more powerful than vitamin E
  • reduce free radical damage
  • anti-cancer properties
  • lower risk of cardiovascular disease
  • reduce skin damage by UV rays
  • prevent loss of collagen
  • anti-aging properties
  • protect vision - slow down diabetic retinopathy by strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation in the eyes
  • read more here --> Grape Seed

  • prevent DNA damage
  • promote would healing
  • improve skin's texture and appearance
  • contains 50 times the amount of antioxidant in lemons
  • promote collagen production
  • combat colds
  • prevent free radical damage
  • cleansing, purifying, softening, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Improve skin condition - lighten pigmentation for a smoother, fairer complexion

  • skin repair ability
  • maintain skin elasticity and firmness
  • prevent blood clotting
  • eliminate toxins
  • treat and relieve burns
  • prevents free radical damage
  • stimulate collagen synthesis
  • anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory - contains fucoidans, meroterpenoids
Science of Nutritional Immunology studies the link between foods and immune system, and it's pioneered by Dr Jau-Fei Chen, who is the world-renowned Nutritional Immunologist from US. 
When we select the superfoods in the Oxyginberry, a few criteria are being taken care of:
  • Species
Ginseng berry we used are harvested from American ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng, and not Korean ginseng.   

Korean ginseng is not suitable for daily consumption due to its heaty nature.
However American ginseng and Ji Lin ginseng are food grade which can be taken by all. 

Read more about American Ginseng here -->  American Ginseng
  • Part
We use the grape seeds from the grapes as the seeds have the highest antioxidant level compared to the meat and the skin. 
  • Harvesting time 
Cactus and Cactus Fruits need to be harvested after 10 years growth to ensure high nutrition values. 
  • Food Synergy
Together these 6 super foods in Oxyginberry are combined to create a SYNERGISED food, which can be consumed daily by all, for a great health benefit.
  • Advanced Technology Processing
Freeze-drying and Spray-drying are the most advanced technique to process the food in the world. Read more here --> Freeze-Drying, The Best Way to Preserved Food?

2) It has the BEST quality and HIGHEST quantity of ANTIOXIDANTS to stimulate COLLAGEN in your body!

With the power of the 6 superfoods, our body can stimulate collagen! What is so special about Oxyginberry with the benefits of collagen? Read more here --> How does collagen affecting our health? 

3) It has passed through the STRINGENT tests!
  • It is organic, and non-genetically modified plant 
  • Preservatives and additives FREE
  • Tested and free of heavy metals such as mercury, copper, lead, arsenic, and cadmium.
  • Tested and free of at least 1822 toxins including narcotics, steroid drugs, banned drugs like Fenfluramine and human growth hormones.
  • The E.Excel food manufacturing plants are GMP-regulated.
  • How does E.Excel making sure of its products are safe to consume? Read more here --> Does Food Safety Matters?
  • Received "Food Safety Excellence Award" from Singapore AVA for consecutive 14 years since 2004.

4) It is suitable for everyone!
  • Men - hero of the family to stay healthier, stronger and more energetic and alert to handle work and making quick decision during critical hour, prevent chronic diseases such as high cholesterol and diabetes
  • Women - slimmer, prettier, and healthier, fair complexion, muscle more toned up, prevent internal organs from sagging especially womb
  • Children - healthier immune system, better concentration,  better eye sight, grow up stronger, healthy and intelligent
  • Elderly - more active and quality lifestyle, prevent degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis, macular degeneration, stroke 
  • Pregnant ladies/ mother-to-be - look radiant, keep mummy energy up throughout the day, ensure enough nutrients to the baby, strengthen womb and support the uterus, regaining pre-pregnancy figure easily
5) Testimonials
<Slim down successfully>

<Skin become more radiant>

<Speed up wound healing>

<Skin condition improved>

<Become younger>

<Even guy also benefited>

<Skin condition improved!>

<MediaCorp actor Terence Cao's sister was one of the people who benefited with superfoods>

Below is the video of Dr Chen Jau Fei interview with Channel News Asia 

Grab these 6 precious SUPERFOODS for your daily diet through Oxyginberry Beverage/ Capsules as they work in SYNERGY to rejuvenate your body!!

Casper Teo

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Green Tea

In Japan, green tea has long been hailed for promoting longevity. It is abundant in many nutrients and particularly rich in polyphenols. Polyphenols are a type of phytochemical with antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity of polyphenols in about 100 times more potent than vitamin C and may prevent various diseases.

Compared with other popular teas, green tea has the most antioxidant activity. Green tea is the strongest nitric oxide (NO) scavenger and the strongest NO suppressor, which is crucial because excess NO damages tissues by attacking cells. This leads to diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and kidney disease. Digested green tea compounds also have anticancer properties.

In a scientific study, people showed lower indicators of heart disease risk after drinking green tea, a contrasting result from drinking coffee and hot water, which provided no beneficial effect.

A study of 40500 Japanese found that those who drank green tea daily has the lowest risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Tuesday 22 November 2016


西洋參的根曾一度與金等值。 在18世紀從北美大量種植和出口到中國的時候,當時,人們對西洋參了解甚少,衹有美洲原住民使用它來治療噁心和嘔吐。

最初被視為一種高度珍貴的中藥,西洋參根的營養價值正在逐漸找到科學的解釋和信譽。 它含有纖維,鐵,鎂,鉀,鋅,維生素C,B族維生素和其他較不常見的營養物質,如人參皂苷。


西洋參提取物含有超過30種人參皂苷,包括Rb1,Rb2,Rb3,Rc,Rd,Re,Rg1,Rg2,Ro和F2。其中,Rb1和Re占西洋參總人參皂甙含量的75%以上。 Rb1是一種抗氧化劑,可以預防潰瘍,幫助身體應對壓力,並提高學習速度。它還增強神經再生。






西洋參中的抗氧化活性比亞洲人參高。西洋參的自由基清除活性可以減少低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的氧化,也稱為壞膽固醇。 已經被氧化的LDL會導致心髒病的動脈粥樣硬化。 西洋參的抗氧化性能也可以減慢老化,因為它的抗氧化劑能夠減少一些細胞組織中被自由基損害。

Sunday 20 November 2016

Does Food Safety Matters?

Food safety is about handling, storing and preparing food to prevent infection and help to make sure that our food keeps enough nutrients for us to have a healthy diet. Unsafe food and water means that it has been exposed to dirt and germs, or may even be rotten, which can cause infections or diseases such as diarrhoea, meningitis, etc.

These diseases can make people very sick or even be life threatening. When people are sick, they are weak and would have difficulty working or concentrating at school. Some of these infections also make it difficult for our bodies to absorb the nutrients they need to get healthy. Unsafe or stale foods also deteriorate and be of poor quality, which means they lose nutrients and so we do not get enough of what we need for a healthy diet. So unsafe food can also lead to poor nutrition.
(Source: http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/a0104e/a0104e08.htm)

As a consumer, how often do we really taking food safety in serious matter? 

For example, you are shopping in the mall, and you feel like getting a sandwich from the shop selling it, you firstly got attracted by the packaging, and the presentation of the sandwish, and you grab it, pay at the cashier, and munch on it while continue your shopping in the mall. Do you ever ask the shop does the sandwiches they selling are guarantee safely to be consumed? The answer is no, why? It is because we do not care about the food we buying are safe to be consume? Frankly speaking, we do care, however, the responsibility of making sure the food selling to consumers are free from contamination is always on the seller/manufacturer side. 

However, there are many cases of contamination incidents around the globe:

For the full list, visit here --> List of Food Contamination Indicents

Extra reading here --> https://www.foodsafety.gov/recalls/recent/index.html

Food Safety is very important to food manufacturers. Any carelessness in raw materials, production or packaging may endanger human health. Since inception, E. Excel has placed great emphasis on food safety. From the selection of raw materials, production, packaging to distribution, every aspect is closely monitored and adheres to the highest production standards. This ensures that every product that bears the E. Excel name is of the highest quality. E. Excel products have been enjoyed and trusted by consumers worldwide for over 20 years; this is the best proof of the safety and reliability of E. Excel products.

Let's watch a short video about manufacturing plant at Shanghai, China:

E. Excel food manufacturing Singapore has received FOOD SAFETY EXCELLENCE AWARD (Grade A) from Singapore Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority (AVA) for consecutive 14 years! Congratulations!

To read more about how AVA award is judged, click here --> Sale of food act 

E. Excel also has won the "Asia-Pacific Super Excellent Brand-Outstanding Brand Excellence Award"!

Because of the perseverance of making safe and quality products for over 20 years, thus E. Excel products definitely gained my trust and I am worry-free to share to all my family and friends.

Lastly, be a wise consumer before you buying anything, not only for your own good, is for your families, friends and those arounds you too.

Casper Teo

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Grape/Grape Seed

Markets today include a wide variety of grapes. The most popular variety is the seedless grape. However, choosing seedless grapes means missing out on a very important type of phytochemical in grape seed: oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), which can help in maintaining eye health.

Grape seeds contain OPCs that are reported to be up to 20 times more powerful than vitamin C and up to 50 times stronger than vitamin E. Moreover, the amount of OPCs in grape seed far exceeds that in the fruit.

Inhibits Oxidative DNA Damage
A study compared grape seed extract and vitamin C's respective abilities to reduce oxidative DNA damage over time. Cells incubated with grape seed extract showed a significant 62% reduction in oxidative DNA damage. In comparison, vitamin C did not provide any significant reduction of single-strand DNA breaks. The result indicate that grape seed extract protects cell from oxidative DNA damage, which may mean improved inner health.

Oxidation is one of the main causes of various diseases. The OPCs in grape seed can help to enhance DNA's ability to repair itself. They effectively defend against free radicals to protect the body against oxidative damage and improve blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels. This aids in the prevention of conditions and diseases like allergies, ulcers, varicose veins, cataracts, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer, as well as slowing down the body's aging process.

Protect Vision
The OPCs found in grape seed may help to slow down the progress of diabetic retinopathy by strengthening blood vessels and improving blood circulation in the eyes.

In a controlled trial, the progression of retinopathy stalled in 60% of diabetics taking a daily dose of 150mg of OPCs from grape seed extract. Only 47% of those taking a placebo had a similar halt in retinopathy progression. OPCs in grape seed have superior antioxidant capabilities that protect against the damaging effects of oxidative stress and cataract formation.

Speeds up Wound Healing
Studies show that grape seed extract helps wounds heal faster and with less scarring. Scientists have found that, when applied to wounds, grape seed extract can help body clear disease-causing bacteria and produce more of a compound involved in regenerating damaged blood vessels. With faster blood vessel growth, more nutrient-containing blood flow can help to regenerate damaged tissue, speeding up wound healing.

Promotes Youthful, Radiant Skin
Scientific studies show that the OPCs in grape seed are high in antioxidant activity and easily absorbed by the human body. In addition, grape seed extract can support collagen structures and decrease UV damage to skin, thereby preventing premature wrinkles and reducing signs of aging for a youthful, radiant appearance.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


仙人掌是非常強的植物,可以在惡劣的沙漠中生存。 墨西哥人認為它是生命和希望的一個美麗的象徵,並且它們廣泛地用於食物和醫學。 仙人掌也在傳統中醫(TCM)中受到高度認可。 在清朝時期,《本草綱目》有記載,仙人掌具有溫和的味道,性質寒冷,能促進氣(生命能量)和血液循環的流動, 降熱和解毒,可以減輕腫脹和減輕疼痛,加強脾臟和停止腹瀉,舒緩和利尿,並且可以用於治療許多外部和內部疾病。 此外,它的卡路里和鈉都很低。 仙人掌的優良營養價值在世界各地的不同文化是被公認的。

仙人掌提取物富含營養成分,如β-胡蘿蔔素,維生素C,鉀,鎂,鈣和鐵。 它還富含植物營養素,抗氧化劑和多糖體。
仙人掌具有高水平的氨基酸,包括脯氨酸和牛磺酸。 在2000年之前,牛磺酸已被發現在仙人掌,而它沒有在任何其他植物中被發現。 仙人掌還含有不是由人體產生的必需氨基酸,如組氨酸,異亮氨酸等。

研究表明,高水平的營養和抗氧化劑在仙人掌仙人掌果實可以幫助防止DNA損傷,有效抑制和打擊自由基形成。 仙人掌富含類黃酮化合物,是一組植物營養素,可以幫助保護神經元免受氧化損傷。 β-胡蘿蔔素有助於仙人掌的高抗氧化活性。 仙人掌果實的抗氧化活性據說比維生素C強7倍!
仙人掌提取物減少氧化損傷和肝腎毒性。 在一項研究中,每天補充500g仙人掌果實兩週改善健康人的氧化狀態。

仙人掌的植物營養素保護它免受紫外線的傷害,並確保它可以生存。相同的,這些植物營養素也是對人體非常有益的,因為它們能夠抑制不同腫瘤形成的過程和滋養免疫系統,預防疾病。仙人掌的抗氧化劑可以抑制自由基的形成和提高吞噬細胞的活性。多糖體能增強免疫力,增加 NK 細胞(自然殺手細胞)的活性,抑制腫瘤的形成。

科學家在仙人掌發現脯氨酸和牛磺酸。脯氨酸有助於膠原形成,預防動脈粥樣硬化和組織修復。 牛磺酸有助於抗擊心髒病,防止糖尿病,降低高血壓和減少焦慮。

仙人掌含有β-谷甾醇,一種抗炎的植物營養素,有助於傷口癒合。 科學家測試了擁有15%仙人掌提取物的外敷膏,發現仙人掌中的植物營養素通過抑制炎症,從而刺激新血管的產生和刺激成纖維細胞(有助於癒合的細胞)移動到傷口區域來加速細胞組織再生,並加速膠原蛋白的形成。

研究表明,當應用於皮膚時,仙人掌提取物保濕功能有助於防止水從角質層中蒸發,從而改善皮膚的屏障功能。 此外,仙人掌中的植物營養素有助於加速膠原蛋白的形成。
仙人掌果實富含維生素A,B1,B12,D3和核黃素。 此果實可以幫助促進皮膚修復和再生,軟化皮膚,並顯著改善皮膚的狀況和外觀。

Sunday 13 November 2016

Freeze-Drying, The Best Way to Preserved Food?

Food preservation involves preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts), or other micro-organisms (although some methods work by introducing benign bacteria or fungi to the food), as well as slowing the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity. Food preservation may also include processes that inhibit visual deterioration, such as the enzymatic browning reaction in apples after they are cut during food preparation. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_preservation)

Based on The Home Preserving Bible (Source: http://astore.amazon.com/homepreservin-20/detail/1615641920), Canning, freezing, and drying food are the most common methods for preserving foods at home today. (Source: http://www.homepreservingbible.com/630-an-overview-of-10-home-food-preservation-methods-from-ancient-to-modern/)

There are other methods for preserving foods other than the above mentioned common steps, such as boiling, heating, salting, sugaring, smoking, pickling, jellying, curing (fermentation), pasteurization, vacuum packing, artificial food additives, etc.
(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_preservation)

Take a look at the short video about Preservatives:

However, there is one such method, so special and unique in the processing, with this method, the nutrients, the smells, and the flavours, are possible to preserved, upto 90-95% and with this technique, no prevervatives are needed to keep the sheft life longer! This method is call freeze-drying (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freeze-drying) And this method are currently using by NASA too. (Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_food#Processing)

All of the Nutritional Immunololgy Super Foods are being processed with two advanced technologies, which are freeze-drying and spray-drying. 

Casper Teo

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Ginseng/ Ginseng Berry

Ginseng is a rare plant that is only harvested after a long time. The ginseng fruit takes at least three or four years to mature, and its root needs at least six to eight years before harvesting. Ginseng grows all over the world, but only a few areas can produce high-quality ginseng.

Ginseng has long been considered the "king of herbs" throughout the world. Ji-Lin ginseng, a very high-quality variety of ginseng, alleviates fatigue and increases strength and stamina. In addition, Ji-Lin ginseng strengthens the lungs and spleen and helps curb chronic diarrhea as well as blood deficiency. It is believed that the continuous use of ginseng leads to longevity. Ginseng is also used to treat the problems of old age - lethargy, arthritis, issues with the reproductive system, and menopausal complaints.

Ginseng has been used to treat conditions such as loss of appetite, depression, asthma, epilepsy, cough, fever, liver disease, dysmenorrhea, headache, nausea, giddiness, gastritis, splenitis, ulcers, febrile illness, swelling, hemorrhage, inflammation and anemia.

Ginseng increases the efficiency of the endocrine, metabolic, circulatory, and digestive systems. 

Precious Ginsenosides
Ginseng is highly nutritious. It contains vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B12, niacin, calcium, iron, potassium, and rare phytochemicals called ginsenosides, which exist only in ginseng. The amounts of and types of ginsenosides in each type of ginseng vary. Different parts of the ginseng plant contain different types of ginsenosides, and each ginsenoside has different effects. Research shows that ginsenosides can strengthen the immune system, and they have been reported to effectively relieve inflammation in rats.

Different Parts, All Beneficial
Ginseng flower, stem, and leaf are all beneficial to the human body. For example, potent antioxidants found in ginseng leaf (Folium ginseng) help the body fight against disease. Ginseng leaf is bitter, yet slightly sweet. It is cold in nature and clears issues caused by heat. It also generates fluids in the body. Because of these properties, ginseng is often used to quench thirst as well as to alleviate sore throat and other heat-related conditions. It is also used to treat alcohol intoxication.

Do not underestimate the benefits of ginseng berry. In recent years, scientists have discovered that the nutritional value of ginseng berry is just as high as that of ginseng root. In fact, it may be even more precious than ginseng root. The amount of ginsenosides present in ginseng berry is about four times the amount in the root. 

Prevent Cancer
Studies report that ginseng can effectively prevent the formation of cancer cells. Studies show ginseng berry also reduces the risk of several types of cancer. One study found that ginseng users were 60% less likely to develop cancer compared to those who did not take the herb.

Improves Cardiovascular Health
Ginseng is considered a tonic for the blood. it can lower blood pressure to normal levels and even reduce cholesterol. Furthermore, reports indicate that chewing the ginseng root reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Treats Diabetes and Obesity
Research shows that ginseng berry extract holds real promise for treating diabetes and obesity.

Ginseng berry normalized blood glucose levels, improved sensitivity to insulin, lowered cholesterol levels, and decreased weight by reducing appetite and increasing activity levels. Ginseng berry may slow the digestion of food and decrease the rate of carbohydrate absorption.

Another study involved both type 2 diabetic and non-diabetic participants who received 3g doses of ginseng. Both the diabetic and non-diabetic subjects who consumed ginseng had blood-sugar levels about 20% lower - a significant decrease - than the subjects who did not consume ginseng berry. The study concluded that ginseng increases cells' sensitivity to insulin as well as the actual secretion of insulin.

Enhances Sports Performance
Ginseng berry helps the human body to utilize oxygen more effectively. It stabilizes heartbeat during exercise, and helps the body to return to normal physiological conditions faster after exercise.

Boosts Nerve Growth Factor Levels in the Brain
Ginseng contains compounds known as saponins, which have the ability to boost nerve growth factor (NGF) levels in the brain. NGF is vital for the normal development of the brain and the nervous system. It is a protein that helps neurons survive, remain healthy, and even grow.

Elevating NGF levels has been shown to improve symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases (like Alzheimer's disease) in animal models. 

Improves Focus and Mental Well-being
Ginseng is often used to alleviate other ailments such as stress and fatigue (specifically mental fatigue) and to improve memory and concentration.

Nourishes Skin
Ginseng berry is rich in antioxidants, which can decrease free radical damage to skin, thereby reducing visible signs of aging. Applied topically, ginseng berry extract may increase skin elasticity, improve skin softness and fineness, enhance skin hydration, and delay signs of premature aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. Stress and poor blood circulation can also cause skin dullness. Ginseng berry contains some of nature's best antioxidants for achieving radiant skin.

Ginseng Berry, photo by Drginseng