Tuesday 20 December 2016

是世界上最常用的香料之一。 古代人早已使用它來保存食物和治療消化問題。 中國船員使用來緩解暈船,而希臘人則將包裹在麵包中,隨著時間的推移,薑變成了我們今天熟悉的餅。

含有各種氨基酸,維生素和其他營養素,可以緩解偏頭痛,抗潰瘍,滋養呼吸和消化系統。 含有抗氧化維生素A和C.有助於緩解或預防各種疾病,即消化不良,癌症和關節炎。 在一些情況下,被建議用於阻止慢性內出血。

研究表明是抗炎,抗氧化劑,抗病毒劑,抗菌劑和抗真菌的最佳植物。 在中國,報告顯示鮮對風濕病非常有效。 在美國,一項關於247名骨關節炎患者的研究表明,那些每天兩次服用標準化和高度濃縮的提取物的患者比那些給予安慰劑的患者經受更大的膝蓋疼痛減輕。

通過防止腫瘤壞死因子和白介素-1的過度產生來減少炎症,所述腫瘤壞死因子和白細胞介素-1是當細胞組織受損時引起炎症,疼痛和對軟骨的損傷的細胞因子。 還抑制酶的炎症和抗炎前列腺素和白三烯的產生,減少疼痛和腫脹。 的抗炎性也是基於其抗氧化的質量。


Sunday 18 December 2016

How Does Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle Improving Me and My Mother’s Life?

Dear friends, 

Today, I am going to share about the quality of life of both mine and my mother's after adopting a new lifestyle, which is Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle.

What is Nutritional Immunology you may ask, it is a PREVENTIVE science that studies the link between plants food and our immune system.

Read more about Nutritional Immunology here —> What is Nutritional Immunology 

A disease does not occur overnight. 

My mother was a stay home mom, taking care of me and my siblings, there are 4 of us. Life was easy back then, until we grew older. I still remember when I graduated from my secondary school, my mother started to work as kitchen helper, at a small Chinese food stall, inside a hawker center it was year 2003.

Her job is to take order from customers, serve the food to the customers, and as well as preparing the ingredients for the chef in the kitchen, like cutting chilies, garlic, onions, and cook rice. The stall is operating 2 sessions, first session from 11am to 3pm and second session from 5pm to 10.30pm. Due to the nature of her job requirement, she has to standing and walking all the time, for approximately 10 hours per day. Over the years, slowly she felt her knee’s health are deteriorating. I started noticed her knee problem when I was persuading my Degree, year 2006. Due to my University is far from my homestate, thus I can only visit my parents every 3 months, which is when there was a semester break. One night, after my mother finished her work and after taking her bathe, I noticed that she took out a bottle of ointment from the shelf and started to rub her knees. It was a very vivid memory to me because the smell of that ointment very similar to one of the famous soft drink. I was mistaken that someone was drinking soft drink at that time. After I questioned about the medication, and I learned that it was her knee giving her so much pain. However, she cannot quit her job because of the increasing of household spending. 

Time flies, on 2008 I already graduated from my Degree, finally I choose to start my career at my hometown. That time, my mother’s knee problem was not improving, despite she rub her knees with the same ointment for years. She then consulted Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and there was no significant improving of her knee health. She then started to consult doctor from polyclinic. The doctor prescribed her calcium tablets, told her that it was calcium deficiency that causing her knee’s problem. 

Year 2012, when I decided to persuade my career advancement at oversea my mother still having knee problem, and that time, her knee’s health was so bad, and she cannot even climb up staircase, because it was too painful for her just to climb up to second level. She was 52 years old that year, not only her knee’s health deteriorated, she also diagnosed with high cholesterol and hypertension. 

Fast forward to year 2014, one day of June, my met my mentor, who shared with me the science of Nutritional Immunology. As a Biology student, I was surprise that how can a non-biology background person like him, able to share what I learnt before when I was studying Pre-U courses. He refreshed my memory about how our body system works, particularly immune system. He also shared to me how to keep our immune system healthy, because based on Nutritional Immunology, 99% of the illness is caused by the malfunctioning of our immune system. I wasn’t so convinced about the products at first, until I made my research on E. Excel and Dr Jau Fei Chen. 

Few weeks later, I decided to have my mother to try the Oxyginberry, which after I consulted my mentor about my mother’s knee health. The reason that Oxyginberry was recommended is because of the 6 precious ingredients Oxyginberry has, which are, Cactus, Cactus Fruit, Ginseng Berry, Rose, Seaweed and Grape Seed. 

Read more about Oxyginberry here —>  Oxyginberry - The power of antioxidants rich Superfoods! 

With these 6 superfood, our body able to stimulate collagen, naturally. Read more about collagen here —> How does collagen affecting our health? 

So, question is, how collagen able to help my mother’s knees? Take a look at the picture below

There is a cartilage between two bones, and its purpose is to hold the bones together and act as a cushion between joints and helps support our weight when we run, bend and stretch. Cartilage is a connective tissue, that highly depends on the quantity of collagen to keep its function. As we grow older, our body will lose its ability to generate collagen, and without sufficient quantity of collagen, cartilage tends to become thiner and thiner across the years, and its symptom starts to appear especially when we are 50 years old and above. With Oxyginbery, my mother’s knee condition will be able to improve. Since then, my mother started to practise NI Lifestyle (Nutritional Immunology Lifestyle), which eventually improving her knees’ health. Slowly, she no longer needed to rub the “soft drink smell” ointment on her both knees as well as the calcium tablets that doctor prescribed. Year 2015, February, me and my family went for a family trip. Unfortunately, the homestay that we booked is located at 3rd floor, and there is no lift to access. Fortunately, my mother’s knees did not stop her from accessing the unit for couple of times throughout our stay. I was so happy that finally I’ve found the solution for my mother’s knee condition after she suffered for so many years! Now, she can walk, stand and climb up staircase without any problem at all.

I got many people asked about the cost of knee replacement surgery, in Malaysia, it is RM25k. (Click here to read more —> http://usahawan-in-me.blogspot.sg/2009/02/kos-bedah-rm25000-di-hospital-kerajaan.html) Keep in mind that this is the cost for year 2009, medical fees are increasing year over the year, and for fully recovery, it will take 1 whole year. I am glad that my mother do not have to go through this, thanks to NI Lifestyle that she practising. To read more about knee replacement surgery, click here —> http://afifzamri.blogspot.sg/2011/02/total-knee-replacement.html

Surprise Benefits After Practising NI Lifestyle 

My mother actually has other medical conditions, which are high cholesterol level, and hypertension. Everyday she take the medicine prescribed by her doctor to control the symptom. Before practising NI Lifestyle, my whole family weren’t eating so healthily. Meats are always more than veggies on the dining table. 

Ever since NI lifestyle were introduced to my family, my mother started to buy brown rice which is low GI food, and since then we no longer buy any white rice. The biggest change that I ever noticed is that the reunion dinner on the Chinese New Year Eve, veggies were more than meats on the dining table in recent years!

My mother’s cholesterol level and hypertension condition, was greatly improved. Previously she needs to take cholesterol pill everyday, now doctor asked her to reduce the dosage to 3 times per week. Her hypertension no longer at critical stage as before. 

Other than my mother who gained lots of health benefits from NI lifestyle, me myself also got my health condition improved! 

I am no longer suffer from nose block for more than one week when I got cold like previously. Now it will gone after 2-3 days. Also my fever will gone after 1 night without taking any medication! And I won’t easily get infected by people around me especially in public transport. Not to mentioned that my wounds healed very fast too! Take a look at the photos below: 

In just 4 days, my wound’s appearance has greatly improved!

I am blessed that I met my mentor 2 years ago, with practising NI lifestyle, me and my family’s health got improved significantly. With this, I wanted to share the science of Nutritional Immunology to as many people as possible. 

If you keen to understand more, please contact me via

Thanks for reading everybody! Cheers and wishing all of you good health and happy always!

“The preservation of health is easier than the cure of the disease”

Tuesday 13 December 2016


現今的市場上能夠找到各種各樣的葡萄。 最流行的品種非無籽葡萄莫屬。 然而,選擇無籽葡萄意味著錯過葡萄種子中非常重要的植物營養素:低聚原花色素(OPCs),這可以幫助維持眼睛的健康。


抑制 DNA 氧化損傷
一項關於葡萄籽提取物和維生素C在減少DNA氧化性損傷的研究。 與葡萄籽提取物孵育的細胞顯示擁有顯著的62%減少的氧化性DNA損傷。 相比之下,維生素C則沒有減少DNA的損傷。 這項研究結果表明了葡萄籽提取物能夠保護細胞免受DNA氧化性損傷,這可能意味著能夠改善體内的健康。

氧化是各種疾病的主要原因之一。 葡萄籽中的OPC可以幫助增強DNA修復自身的能力。 它們有效防禦自由基,保護身體免受氧化損傷,並通過加強血管改善血液循環。 這有助於預防病症和疾病,如過敏,潰瘍,靜脈曲張,白內障,心血管疾病,中風和癌症,以及減緩身體的衰老過程。


在一項對照試驗中,60%從葡萄籽提取物中攝取150mg OPCs的糖尿病患者中,他們的視網膜病變沒有惡化。 相比之下,僅有47%服用安慰劑的患者俱有類似的效果。 葡萄籽中的OPC具有優異的抗氧化能力,能夠防止氧化損傷和白內障的形成。

研究表明,葡萄籽提取物有助於加速傷口癒合,以及減少疤痕。 科學家已經發現,當應用於傷口時,葡萄籽提取物可以幫助身體清除引起疾病的細菌,並產生更多的再生細胞。 隨著血管生長更快,更多的富含營養的血液可以幫助損傷的細胞組織再生,加速傷口癒合。

科學研究表明,葡萄籽中的OPCs具有很高的抗氧化活性,容易被人體吸收。 此外,葡萄籽提取物可減少皮膚對紫外線的損傷,從而防止過早出現皺紋,促進年輕,以及延緩老化跡象。

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Kiwi Fruit Seed

Kiwi fruit seed is a rich source of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Kiwi fruit seed oil contains about 62% of ALA, a much higher amount than other sources of ALA, such as flaxseeds.

ALA is an important omega-3 essential fatty acid found only in plants. It must be obtained through diet because the human body cannot manufacture it, even though it is necessary for good health. ALA is partially converted in the human body into other omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

Heart Health
Love your heart with kiwi fruit seeds. Emerging evidence suggests that diets containing omega-3 fatty acids may protect against heart disease and help prevent sudden cardiac death.

Kiwi fruit seeds contain essential fatty acids necessary for making prostaglandins, which regulate body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood clotting.

Brain Health
The brain is an important part of the nervous system. It is about 60% fat, and ALA is an important part of this fat.

Immune System Health
The essential fatty acids in kiwi fruit seeds are necessary for making prostaglandins, which play a role in immune function by regulating inflammation and encouraging the body to fight infection.

ALA is needed for proper growth in children, particularly for neural development and maturation of sensory systems.

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Had a Great Sharing Before 2016 is Over!

Hi Friends,

I just had a great sharing about <How To Safe Guard Your Health in Our Current Modern Lifestyle>, just before 2016 is over!

So happy that I was able to share the knowledge of Nutritional Immunology to so many new friends who came after work despite it was a raining evening.

Nutritional Immunology (NI) is a PREVENTIVE SCIENCE that studies the link between our diet and our immune system, which is the BEST DOCTOR in the world!

Read more about NI here --> What is Nutritional Immunology

Dr Jau Fei Chen is the founder of NI, she been doing cancer research for more than 30 years, click here to listen her explaining NI --> Nutritional Immunology by Dr Jau Fei Chen  

Thank you so much for the crews that made this happen! 

If you want to know more about NI, please don't hesitate to contact Casper Teo at 8218 3033, or can email to casperteo.ct@gmail.com

Please stay tuned for the new sharing session on 2017! Happy holiday everyone!