Sunday 30 October 2016

Video Showing How Our Immune Cells Works!

Good morning everybody, have you ever wonder how our immune cells defending us from cancerous cells?

Let's watch this video, shared by

Indeed our immune system is the best doctor in the world! Read more about our immune system by clicking here --> Understand Your Immune System

Now you have learn how our immune system works, how do we keep our immune system at its best condition? Scientists has discovered the key to keep our immune system healthy is by consuming plants foods which are high in antioxidant, phytochemical and polysaccharides. Read more by clicking here --> What is Nutritional Immunology?

Casper Teo

Wednesday 26 October 2016


Chrysanthemum is excellent for dispelling heat and counteracting inflammation. Every part of the chrysanthemum is edible.

Multiple Benefits
Chrysanthemum is used as an antipyretic and as a treatment for vertigo, abscesses, fainting, lumbago, rheumatism, and intestinal gas. The juice from the leaves is often applied to wounds to alleviate swelling and pain. Such properties make chrysanthemum flower tea an ideal summer beverage, and it is popular among those who are prone to eyestrain due to long hours of computer usage. In addition, it is often drunk at meals because it aids digestion.

Traditionally, chrysanthemum is used to relieve mild fevers and headaches and to soothe sore throats. What's more, it has antibacterial and antiviral properties and is believed to detoxify the body and purify the blood.

The flower is said to improve vision and is used for a wide range of eye problems, such as sore eyes and eyestrain. The petals of chrysanthemum  - which contain carotenoids, a type of antioxidant that can be converted by the body to vitamin A - are used to treat boils, dizziness, fever, and conjunctivitis. 

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Research is demonstrating chrysanthemum's heart-protective effects. Flavonoids in chrysanthemum have been found to help lower high blood pressure and dilate blood vessels. Chrysanthemum also seems to help lower high blood cholesterol levels.

Anticancer Effects
Chrysanthemum's many health benefits may be due to its high levels of different phytochemicals with powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer effects. These include chrysanthemum (cyanidin-3-glucoside), acacetin. luteolin, chlorogenic acid, and dicaffeoylquinic acids.

Tuesday 25 October 2016


您知道有一個如此強大的生命力的植物,如果你今天摘下一片葉子,明天就會長出新的葉子嗎?這種神奇的植物是 明日葉。







把明日葉的莖切割會有黃色粘稠的樹汁流出。這種樹汁非常珍貴 - 只有幾毫克可以從莖的橫截面收集。此樹汁主要由查爾酮組成。 許多明日葉的健康促進的好處歸功於查爾酮。

明日葉根中的兩個主要查爾酮的類型是 exanthoangelol 和 4 hydroxyderricin。這些兩個查爾酮也是多酚。多酚是強有力的抗氧化劑,有助於對抗自由基損傷。

在體內和體外試驗表明 exanthoangelol 和 4 hydroxyderricin 有明顯地抵抗癌症。在動物實驗當中,它們具有抑制腫瘤的生長和擴散的功效,從而延長患上肺癌的動物。Isobavachalcone 能在不殺死正常細胞的情況下消滅癌細胞。

4 hydroxyderricin 可增加抗癌細胞如淋巴細胞、 CD4 + T 細胞、 CD8 + T 細胞和自然殺手 T 細胞。它還表現出對白血病,黑素瘤和肺和胃癌等有效的細胞毒活性。

明日葉的查爾酮能抑制肝癌細胞的擴散。在實驗研究中,Isobavachalcone 還能抑制皮膚腫瘤。

自由基的損害與衰老、炎症和癌症等疾病有密切的關連。明日葉的查爾酮,如exanhokeismins A-C和exanthoangelol B,具有強大的抗氧化效果,以打擊自由基的損害。

Xanthoangelol B,xanthoangelol C和Xanthoangelol E 能夠抑制組胺的釋放,進而預防過敏反應。


明日葉有助於促進骨形成和增加骨量。 因此,它能夠治療骨質疏鬆和預防骨質減少,骨質減少是被認為是骨質疏鬆症的前兆。

明日葉有助於減輕高血脂及高膽固醇。在實驗研究中,這種草藥已經被顯示到降低總膽固醇以及低密度脂蛋白 (LDL) 膽固醇 ("壞"膽固醇) 和甘油三酯,這兩個者有助於改善動脈硬化和變窄。



日本介紹了接種疫苗之前,明日葉用來治療和預防天花。現代研究已經證實 明日葉的強大的抗感染能力。Xanthoangelol 和 4 hydroxyderricin 顯示有著對革蘭氏陽性病原菌的抗菌活性。

查爾酮被發現可刺激神經生長因子(NGF)的產生,神經生長因子在外周和中樞神經系統中對某些神經細胞的發育和存活中是必需的。 NGF被認為具有減輕阿爾茨海默氏病和周圍神經病的潛力。 在日本進行的實驗研究顯示,在受試者服用明日葉僅四天后,NGF濃度增加20%。

內臟脂肪,也稱為腹部脂肪,已經與代謝紊亂和增加心血管疾病、2型糖尿病和乳腺癌的風險有著相關的連係。 來自人類臨床研究和實驗研究的證據表明,查爾酮可以幫助減少內臟脂肪。


外敷使用的明日葉樹汁,能防止傷口感染,促進癒合,並且治療各種皮膚狀況。 它還有助於排斥昆蟲和防止昆蟲叮咬的感染。

現代科學已經證實了明日葉令人驚訝的健康益處,進一步增強明日葉作為長壽藥草的良好聲譽。 今天起就添加明日葉在您的日常飲食,以保持良好的整體健康!

Sunday 23 October 2016

Synthetic Vs. Wholesome Part 2

Q1: What is vitamin?
A1: Vitamin, is a class of substances that is crucial not only in maintain human life activities but also an important active substances that maintain human health. Although the amount of vitamin in our body is very very small, however, it plays an important role in human growth, metabolism, and also development process.

Q2: Can folic acid reduce cancer risk?
A2: Folic acid, closely related to folate, is a B vitamin. It may be found in many vegetables, soy, fruits, and whole grains. Lack of folic acid is said to increase the risk for colorectal and breast cancer. Scientists recommend taking folic acid from plant food sources to reduce cancer risk.

Q3: Can vitamin C reduce cancer risk?
A3: Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables and many studies have linked such fruits and vegetables with cancer prevention. However, studies on Vitamin C pills could not be linked with reduced cancer risk.

Q4: What is the difference between a wholesome plant food and vitamin pills?
A4: Vitamin pills are nutrient which artificial extracted and are not diseases-preventable. They contain only part of the plant nutrients, and can not be compared with the wholesome nutrition, thus overdose will bring side effects. Wholesome plant food, however, will not have any side effects. Inside the wholesome plant food, there are rich in phytochemicals, antioxidants, polysaccharides and other nutrients, all these are important substances which can be used to enhance the body's immune function.

Q5: Can vitamin pills replace a well-balanced diet?
A5: No, the best sources of vitamin intake is through a wholesome plant based diet. Replacing a balanced diet with vitamin pills can lead to a body's dependence on vitamin pills, and overdose can also lead to poisoning.

Q6: Can vitamin pills reduce cancer risk?
A6: Thus far, no evidence shows that vitamin pills can reduce cancer risk. Results of clinical tests linking vitamin pills and cancer prevention have been disappointing. Some studies have shown that vitamin pills reduce stomach cancer risk for the severely malnourished people of China and South America. However, when high dose of some nutrients were administered, results showed no benefits and even harm in some cases. Many experts maintain that whole foods are the best source of nutrients. They say that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and other plant foods may reduce the risk of cancer as these foods may reduce the risk of cancer as these foods contain many healthy compounds such as antioxidants, phytochemicals, and polysaccharides, which are not found in a vitamin bottle. In many cases, scientists have not been able to isolate the exact compounds that give this beneficial effect.

Q7: What are the possible side effects of taking too much vitamin pills?
A7: Excessive amounts of vitamin A may lead to osteoporosis, fatigue, liver damage; excessive vitamin B may cause paralysis, depression; excessive vitamin C may lead to heart and liver disease; excessive vitamin D may lead to kidney disease; excessive vitamin E may slow down Immune function, leading to fatigue and so on.

Q8: Why excessing of eating plant food does not cause side effects like vitamin pill?
A8: Vitamins found inside plant are exist in the form of natural molecular structure, it is easily digested and absorbed by the body, thus there is no side effects. Once the vitamin is separated from the plant and is process to the form of pills, it is no longer a complete food, because the original balance has been destroyed, which turns it into a chemical, and it is possible to cause side effects. When the vitamin is present in an orange, it is an antioxidant; and after separation, it is no longer an antioxidant, on the contrary, it will create hundreds of millions of free radicals, which is extremely harmful to the human body.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

American Ginseng

American Ginseng (Panacis quinquefolis) root was once worth its weight in gold. Entrepreneurial Jesuit missionaries cultivated and exported the herb from North America to China in large amounts during the 18th century, selling it for an extraordinary profit. At that time, little was known about American ginseng except that Native Americans were using it to treat nausea and vomiting.

Initially viewed as a highly prized traditional medicine, the nutritional value of American ginseng root is gradually finding scientific explanation and credibility. It is packed with fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, B vitamins, and other less common nutrients such as ginsenosides.

Ginsenosides are a group of phytochemicals that are present only in ginseng. They are the most active components of ginseng, and although they have similar molecular structure, they have different function. The amounts and types of ginsenosides in each type of ginseng vary, For example, ginsenosides Rf is present in Asian ginseng but not in American ginseng, and American ginseng has more Rb1 than Asian ginseng. It is possible that ginsenosides that appear to have no function help to make "active" ginsenosides easier for the body to absorb.

American ginseng extract contains more than 30 ginsenosides, including Rb1, Rb2, Rb3, Rc, Rd, Re, Rg1, Rg2, Ro, and F2. Of these, Rb1 and Re make up more than 75% of the total ginsenoside content in American ginseng. Rb1 is an antioxidant that can prevent ulcers, help the body to cope with stress, and increase rates of learning. It also enhances nerve regeneration.

In addition, Rb1, Rg1, and Rh1 acts as weak phytoestrogens in the body. Phytoestrogens are plant hormones that encourage healthy cell growth while inhibiting tumor growth. By binding to cells where human estrogen typically binds, phytoestrogens mimic the positive roles of human estrogen without harmful side effects. Hence, American ginseng has often been recommended for relieving menopausal symptoms.

Rb1 suppresses and Rg1 stimulates the central nervous system. Such combinations of opposing functions within this wonder herb contribute to American ginseng's use as an adaptogen that normalizes bodily functions to balanced states.

Wondrous Immunity-building Properties
American ginseng is not just an energy herb. It also helps to strengthen the immune system in a variety of ways, one of which results from its polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are long chains of sugars that help balance the immune system and enable tit to destroy existing cancer cells and viruses.

A study reported that polysaccharides in American ginseng may stimulate multitasking immune cells called macrophages to secrete cytokines, chemicals that summon immune cells to deal with bacteria and viruses. American ginseng also builds immunity by stimulating the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), an immune chemical used in fighting viruses.

American ginseng may be good news for people prone to colds. Researchers discovered that by consuming American ginseng root extract in a moderate dose over four months reduces the number of colds, the severity of colds, and the number of days they last, possibly preventing respiratory tract infection. Studies also show American ginseng to have potential protective effects against breast and ovarian cancers.

Completing the Package with Antioxidant
There is more antioxidant activity in American ginseng than in Asian ginseng. The free-radical scavenging activity of American ginseng can reduce oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), otherwise known as bad cholesterol. LDL that has gone through oxidation contributes to atheroclerosis, which may cause heart attacks. The antioxidant property of American ginseng can also slow down again because its antioxidants reduce free radical damage in some tissues.

Tuesday 18 October 2016


巴西蘑菇最初是來自巴西。它也被稱為是 himematsutake、 神的蘑菇,太陽蘑菇。它在巴西聖保羅州一個叫皮達德的小鎮是非常重要的日常飲食之一。那些生活在皮達德的人民有著非同尋常的良好健康,而且比一般地區擁有較低的癌症和老年疾病的人口。

巴西蘑菇富含多醣β-1,3-D-葡聚醣和β-1,6-D-葡聚醣。 這些多醣體可以輔助T細胞,干擾素和白細胞介素的產生,以幫助防止癌細胞以及病毒感染細胞的繁殖,擴散和復發。
國家癌症中心實驗室和東京藥學院的研究表明,90%在用巴西蘑菇餵養的實驗動物中消除了癌性腫瘤。 雖然在大多數真菌中發現的多醣僅能影響某些實體瘤,但據報導,在巴西蘑菇中的那些對抗埃利希腹水癌,乙狀結腸癌,卵巢癌,乳腺癌,肺癌和大多數實體瘤非常地有效。

加州大學洛杉磯分校王德魯醫學中心的研究發現,巴西蘑菇擁有增加全身的免疫細胞總數的能力。此外,研究表明,巴西蘑菇不僅增加自然殺手 (NK) 細胞,而且還使每個個體的 NK 細胞功能更強大。



一百克巴西蘑菇含有9.65毫克的鐵質 - 是植物食品中發現的最高百分比的鐵質之一 - 容易被人體吸收。 巴西蘑菇為人體提供了有益健康的鐵質來源,以及沒有副作用。

巴西蘑菇含有麥角固醇,其轉化為維生素D2。 這種維生素促進鈣在體內的吸收和使用。 麥角固醇和維生素D2結合起來能夠保護和加強骨骼健康,甚至幫助預防疾病如骨質疏鬆症。


Sunday 16 October 2016

Synthetic Vs. Wholesome Part 1

Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins. Whether we get them from our daily diet, from sunshine, or from store bought capsules or liquids, vitamins are vital to our health and to the proper functioning of our bodies.

Vitamin deficiencies lead to a wide range of problems spanning from anorexia to obesity, organ malfunction, confusion, depression and fatigue.

However, whether or not our vitamins are hurting us is another story. What people are not aware of is all vitamins are not created equal, and most are actually synthetic.

What is a "Synthetic" Vitamin?

The type of vitamins that are the most beneficial is up for debate. A healthy, organic diet should provide a good amount of nutrients that the body needs, but supplements can help ensure that we are getting a healthy serving of specific vitamins.

The problem is that many vitamin and mineral supplements are manufactured synthetically with chemicals and do not come straight from their natural sources. They are made to mimic the way natural vitamins act in our bodies. Natural vitamins are derived directly from plant material containing the vitamin, not produced in a test tube.

Many synthetic vitamins lack the transporters and co-factors associated with naturally-occurring vitamins because they have been "isolated." The Organic Consumers Association emphasizes that isolated vitamins cannot be used or recognized by the body in the same way as the natural version.

The natural form come in packages with other vitamins, enzymes and minerals that control the way the body recognizes, metabolizes and uses them to make what it needs.

Isolated vitamins can’t always be used by the body, and are either stored until we obtain or create the nutrients required to use them effectively or are excreted. Synthetic vitamins are also devoid of necessary trace minerals and must use the body’s own mineral reserves which may lead to dangerous mineral deficiencies.

What’s the Big Deal About Synthetic Vitamins?

Synthetic versions of vitamins contain chemical compounds that were not meant for human consumption and do not occur in nature. Evolution has dictated that we eat the food we can gather from the earth, not the food we create in a lab.

Fat soluble vitamins in their synthetic form are especially dangerous because they can build up in our fatty tissues and cause toxicity. The reason that the synthetic form is more dangerous is because we get a high, concentrated serving of the vitamin rather than the amount that we would get from a food-based form.

Vitamins A, D, E and K are all fat soluble

Fat soluble vitamins are found naturally in butter, fish oils, nuts, and green leafy vegetables

Excesses of fat soluble vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues

Most people do not get sufficient amounts of fat soluble vitamins from their diet

How do I know if the vitamins I’m buying are synthetic or natural?

The Organic Consumers Association has published an ingredient chart to help consumers identify natural vs. synthetic vitamins. Many vitamin producers want us to believe that we are getting a “natural product” because it seems more wholesome to take “natural” vitamins.

Unfortunately, vitamins can be labeled as natural if they contain as little as 10% of the natural form of the vitamin. This means that our “natural” vitamin could contain 90% of synthetically produced chemicals! B-Vitamins and Vitamin C are also usually synthetically produced.

Common Synthetic Vitamins to Avoid:

Look for clues on the vitamin’s label that offer insight into the origin of the vitamin.

Vitamin A: Acetate and Palmitate
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Thiamine Mononitrate, Thiamine Hydrochloride
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Riboflavin
Pantothenic Acid: Calcium D-Pantothenate
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Pyridoxine Hydrochloride
Vitamin B12: Cobalamin
PABA (Para-aminobenzoic Acid): Aminobenzoic Acid
Folic Acid: Pteroylglutamic Acid
Choline: Choline Chloride, Choline Bitartrate
Biotin: d-Biotin
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid): Ascorbic Acid
Vitamin D: Irradiated Ergosteral, Calciferol
Vitamin E: dl-alpha tocopherol, dl-alpha tocopherol acetate or succinate
NOTE: The “dl” form of any vitamin is synthetic.

Other Toxic Ingredients to Avoid In Supplements

Magnesium stearate (or stearic acid)
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) disguised as “natural flavors”
Carnauba wax is used in car wax and shoe polish
Titanium dioxide is a carcinogen

–Atricle by Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

People need to learn that their health is in their own hands. The fact is, they can be free of illness and brilliantly healthy if they choose a wholesome diet and lifestyle. On the other hand, an incorrect diet and poor lifestyle choices make people sick.

Mamiko MatsudaPhD

Below is a short video about the important of Wholesome Plant Foods compared to Synthetic Pills:

<Truth About Vitamins & Minerals Supplements>

Below table has some of the example of the vitamin source:

Below is the picture taken from the book
<Enjoying Health and Longevity with Nutritional Immunology> by Dr. Jau Fei Chen 

Vitamin overdose could cause harm instead of benefits to our body.

Our diet should mainly focus on wholesome plant based foods, which provides us lots of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. These essential substances are crucial to our health.

Lastly, here are the links for the list of additives and their respective source and side effects:

Wednesday 12 October 2016

Cactus/Cactus Fruit

Cactus is amazingly strong plant that can survive in the harsh desert. The Mexican people view it as a beautiful symbol of life and hope, and they use it widely for food and medicine. Cactus is also highly regarded in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Written during the Qing Dynasty, Beng Cao Gang Mu Shi Yi (A Supplement to the Compendium of materia Medica) recorded that cactus has a mild taste and is cold in nature, can promote the flow of qi (vital energy) and blood circulation, is cooling and detoxifying, can reduce swelling  and relieve pain, strengthens the spleen and stops diarrhea, is soothing and a diuretic, and can be used both externally and internally to treat many diseases. Moreover, it is low in calories and sodium. The excellent nutritional value of cactus is recognized across different cultures around the world.

Excellent Nutritional Value
Cactus extract is rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. It is also abundant in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides.
Cactus has high levels of amino acids, including proline and taurine. Prior to 2000, when taurine was found to be in cactus, it had not been discovered in any other plants! Cactus also contains essential amino acids not manufactured by the human body such as histidine, isoleucine, etc.

Potent Antioxidant and Toxicity Reducer
Research indicates that the high levels of nutrients and antioxidants in cactus and cactus fruit can help prevent DNA damage, and effectively inhibit and fight against free radical formation. For example, cactus is abundant in flavonoids, a group of phytochemicals that can help protect neurons against oxidative injury. Beta-carotene contributes to the high antioxidant activity in cactus. The antioxidant activity of cactus fruit is said to be seven times more powerful than that of vitamin C!
Cactus extract reduces oxidative damage and liver and kidney toxicity that occur as a result of zearalenone, a toxin that occurs in high levels in many foodstuffs such as crops and vegetable oils. In one study, supplementing with 500g of cactus fruit daily for two weeks improved the oxidative stress status of healthy humans.

Cancer Fighter
Phytochemicals in cactus protect the plant from UV damage and ensure its survival. These same phytochemicals are also highly beneficial to the human body because they help inhibit different tumor formation processes and nourish the immune system to prevent disease. Antioxidants in cactus can inhibit the formation of free radicals and enhance phagocytic activity. Polysaccharides can boost immunity, increase NK cell activity, and inhibit tumor formation.

Cardiovascular Health Benefits
Found in cactus, proline and taurine, are of particular interest. Proline aids in collagen formation, atherosclerosis prevention, and tissue repair. Taurine helps to combat heart disease, protect against diabetes, lowering high blood pressure, and decrease anxiety.
Furthermore, cactus extract helps to decrease cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol), prevent high blood sugar levels, stabilize diabetic’ blood sugar levels, and promote cardiovascular health.

Inflammation Inhibitor
Cactus contains beta-sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that aids in wound healing. Scientists tested a topical application that consisted of 15% cactus extract and found that phytochemicals in cactus accelerated tissue regeneration by inhibiting inflammation, stimulating the creation of new blood vessels, and stimulating fibroblasts (cells that aid in would healing) to move to the wound area and speed up collagen formation.

Skin Improvement
Research shows that when applied to skin, cactus extract acts as a moisturizer and helps prevent water evaporation from the stratum corneum layer, thereby improving the skin’s barrier function. In addition, phytochemicals in cactus help to speed up collagen formation.
Cactus fruit is high in vitamins A, B1, B12, D3, and riboflavin. The fruit can help to promote skin repair and regeneration, soften the skin, and significantly improve the skin’s condition and appearance.

Tuesday 11 October 2016


免疫系統是一個驚人的,主動的防禦機制。 其複雜的白血細胞,抗體和其他免疫化學物和器官的網絡為我們提供全天候的保護免受入侵者傷害。 每當在皮膚上有傷口時,免疫系統積極地工作以治愈它並且停止微生物如病毒和細菌的進入。 隨著我們的細胞不斷繁殖,強大的免疫系統也有助於檢測和擊敗可能導致癌症的細胞突變。

大多數疾病是免疫系統功能失常的結果。 免疫系統可能以下列方式之一或兩者發生故障:

你可能遇到了一些人總是會一直生病 - 無論是流感,或咳嗽,或感冒,甚至胃不適。 你有沒有想過為什麼有些人恢復地很快,而其他人則需更長的時間,或者從未完全恢復呢? 答案就在於我們的免疫系統。

你有沒有想過為什麼有些人恢復地很快,而其他人則需更長的時間,或者從未完全恢復呢? 答案就在於我們的免疫系統。

我們呼吸的空氣,我們吃的食物和我們接觸的表面總是充滿了引起疾病的粉塵,污染物,真菌,寄生蟲和細菌,如病毒和細菌。 一旦我們的身體虛弱,這些毒性的物質將容易壓倒免疫系統並導致疾病。

艾滋病其實是免疫系統虛弱相關疾病的一個實例。 一旦發生艾滋病,免疫系統就會嚴重受損,並且無法有效對抗危險的細菌。 癌症也是我們的免疫系統虛弱的例子。 化療是一種對癌症的放射治療,這將進一步削弱了免疫系統 - 這就是為什麼癌症患者容易患流感,咳嗽和感冒。






第一道防線 - 皮膚:當入侵者被發現時,朗格漢斯細胞發出警報聲。我們的汗液和皮脂中的抗菌物質能夠捕獲細菌,而眼淚和粘膜分泌酶以分解侵入者的細胞壁。

士兵工廠 - 骨髓:骨髓生產紅血球和白血球,它們都是免疫系統的士兵。每一秒,都有約8百萬個紅血及白血球死亡,而相同數量的紅白血球在這裡再生。

訓練場 - 胸腺:正如士兵通過海軍,陸兵和空軍訓練戰爭一樣,胸腺將分配給T細胞它們解決疾病的職責。胸腺還分泌免疫調節激素。

戰場 - 淋巴結:淋巴結是由數十億白血球聚集的戰場。每當對抗感染時,淋巴結與外來入侵者和免疫細胞一起膨脹到你可以感覺到它們的程度。腫脹的淋巴結是一個良好的指示,説明你有正在被感染了,而你的免疫系統正在工作。作為軍隊的排水系統,淋巴結能夠過濾淋巴液所攜帶的廢物比如病毒和細菌。我們的身體内含有的淋巴比血液還要多大約四倍。

血液過濾器 - 脾臟:脾臟是一個血液庫。它通過去除坏死血球以及吞噬的病毒和細菌來過濾血液。它還能夠激活B細胞來產生大量的抗體。

喉嚨衛士 - 扁桃體:扁桃體對通過鼻子和嘴部進入身體的侵略者保持著警惕。已經將扁桃體去除的人顯示出,患上鏈球菌性咽喉炎和霍奇金病的幾率有顯著地增加,這表明了扁桃體對我們的呼吸道保護的重要性。

免疫的助- 盲腸:盲腸能夠幫助B細胞成熟以及抗體(IgA)的生產。它還能充當交通協調員,產生分子,指導白血球運輸到身體的其他部分。盲腸還能將白血球暴露於存在消化道中的入侵者,並幫助抑制潛在有害的抗體反應,同時促進腸部的免疫力。

腸道防護 - 集合淋巴:跟盲腸一樣,集合淋巴對腸道中的入侵者起反應。它們對於人體血液中微生物侵入者是至關重要的。


特定防衛戰士 - B細胞和抗體B細胞提供體液免疫 - 透過在血清、淋巴液等體液中循環流動的抗體來保護人體。B細胞扮演與入侵者作戰的士兵角色,能夠針對不同的入侵者產生特定的抗體以對付它們。抗體,也成爲免疫球蛋白,是我們體内搜索敵人的導彈。它們首先追蹤、鎖定目標入侵者,然後就觸發免疫反應徹底摧毀入侵者。

非特定防衛戰士 - T細胞T細胞給予身體細胞性免疫力。它們提供非特定免疫,既只負責搜索和摧毀敵人而不管其種類是什麽。補助T細胞是免疫系統的指揮官。它們透過化學信號通知、命令其他士兵作戰。毒性細胞和自然殺手細胞是入侵者致命的襲擊手,給予入侵者迎頭痛擊。一旦感染的情況受到了控制,抑制T細胞就會調節抗體的生產,並發出戰爭結束的訊號。

噬菌者 - 吞噬細胞和顆粒性細胞:吞噬細胞,如單核細胞和巨噬細胞,是巨大的細胞吞噬者。巨噬細胞是多任務免疫細胞。除了清潔體内戰爭后留下的殘骸及老化的血球細胞,他們還分泌化學物質,招來其他免疫細胞到入侵者的地方。顆粒細胞,如嗜中性白血球,嗜酸性白血球和嗜鹼性白血球,通過有效的化學顆粒來破壞侵襲者。例如,由於嚴重感染而產生的膿,就包含有死亡的嗜中性白血球和其他戰爭留下的殘骸。